Piano/keyboard lessons are suitable for kids ages 5 and up.
Adults always welcome.
Book a trial lesson online or email us.
Book a kids group piano program from $30 per session (max 3 students).
We feel that music education should not a one size fits all approach, hence we offer a range of programs with teachers who each have their own, researched and reputable styles of teaching based on years of experience. From babies to adults, absolute beginners to advanced learners, we are here to support you and your goals in music education with student based learning!
At Player 1, our aim is to foster the love of music and ignite creativity in children and adults adults by teaching you how to play the piano and read music... Not to make learning music a chore that no one looks forward to, or only those with a special talent can achieve.
There's more to music education than your weekly lessons. In 2021 we'll be introducing a new ensemble program where students will learn to play songs with fellow students at the same level on another instrument. At the end of each year Player 1 provides a performance platform at our Annual End of Year Recital Concert in Hyde Park. The concert gives each student the chance to show family members and friends how hard they have worked through the year; fostering pride and confidence in their abilities.
There are so many reasons why the piano is the most popular instrument to start your music education. We've outlined the top five based on our experience:
1. Producing a sound on the piano gets the most immediate results especially for small children, you simply touch a key and the note sounds - no tone training required. With other instruments you will spend longer perfecting technique to make a sound. Not so with the piano, what you hit is what you get!
2. We can see the building blocks of music due to the way a piano is laid out. The student can easily see the relationships between pitches in both melodies and chords and the way they look written out on the staff. Also, because the piano is so simple to play, a student can focus on learning to read music rather than struggling with difficult technique.
3. You get a sense of pitch as a well tuned piano will always play the right key! The student does not need to struggle with technique and exact finger placement while trying to produce the right key. Its pure, clear, sort of neutral tone helps us focus right in on the musical notes. This makes it perfect for composing music, analysing music, figuring out harmonies, and more.
4. The piano has a huge range of notes and a wide pitch range from super low bass notes to very high notes and everything in between.
5. It is a great stepping stone to other instruments! It’s one of the best ways to understand some pretty major parts of music theory. Students bring their sense of pitch and their understanding of the basic concepts to their study of a new instrument.
All Player 1 Teachers possess a Working with Children Check, and have a passion for music and teaching. We are a family friendly and all ages music school; our main aim is to foster an enjoyment for learning music. Whether you are an absolute beginner or you wish to improve on your skills, we can work with you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be!
To be placed with the right piano teacher for you or your child, click here we will contact you to discuss your goals in piano and arrange a free trial lesson.
Lessons are offered Mondays through Saturdays in 30 minute or 45 minute sessions. Group sessions or individual lessons are offered.